Panchmaya Kumal’s success story

I am Panch Maya Kumal, a member of Citizen Awareness Center Group under Majuwa Abanda Toll Development Organization, Gorkha District, Palungtar Municipality, Ward No. 7. By profession, I am an agricultural and animal rearing businessman. There are five members in my family including my husband, two sons and one daughter-in-law. I have been running Bangur Farm (pig farm) for the past 6 years. Currently, I have 11 pig sties for the pigs in which there are 11 small and big pigs. I got to know the information that Chyangli Community Learning Center coordinated with Educational Resource and Development Center Nepal in collaboration with TCP global and invested mobile fund to the businessmen who are affiliated to Citizen Awareness Center Group and I submitted an application to Learning Center for loan request of the mobile fund amount through the group. Commercially, I have been doing bangur farming since a few years ago, but after the economic recession after the covid epidemic, I was not able to do it professionally as expected. Despite the capacity of the sty, I was unable to keep more piglets. After applying to the learning center, the team including Rabindra Kandel, president of the Chyangli Community learning center, has decided to give me a business loan after monitoring and evaluating my business. And the learning center called me on 28.11.2017 in the office and gave me an amount of Rs.25,000. Due to the lack of finances, my desire to have another baby pig was also fulfilled. Overjoyed, I immediately added 2 piglets. Although it was a small amount, it gave me a great relief in business. The amount was provided to me on the condition that I would repay it in 6 months. During the period of 6 months, the president of the learning center, the officials and the representatives of Educational Resource and Development Center and TCP Global monitored and gave advice and suggestions and continued to help continuously. As a result, a great relief was felt commercially. It was not too difficult for me to return the amount along with the principal and interest at the end of the term because I was already rearing bangur (pigs) in the cage. After selling one bangur, I returned the money to the learning center within the stipulated time.

I didn’t think that I would be able to get money in this way at a very subsidized interest rate at a time when I was in trouble due to Corona, but when Chyangli Community Learning Center provided the money, it helped me take a big leap in my business life. I have also got a lot of inspiration to move forward in the coming days. If I had not been able to get that amount from the learning center, I would have had to sell the unsalable bangur and feed the rest and it was certain that there would be more losses. These days, I have gained great courage and encouragement to move forward from the business without any hindrance and even if I have any problem at any time, I am encouraged by the fact that I have Chyangli Community Learning Center as a companion to solve it.

Since its inception, Chyangli Community Learning Center, which has been contributing to the fields of skill-based and income generation, including non-formal education, adult education, agriculture and health, mainly for women, has seen that it will greatly help the women who run small businesses in the community. Therefore, I hope that the learning center will continue this program. Also, I believe that it will be more effective if the investment amount is increased.

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